Privacy Policy
The International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy recognizes our obligations
to protect personal information during the course of any operations. We have therefore made arrangements to secure against
the unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification and disposal of personal information. We ensure
that all personal information is properly safeguarded at all times to prevent unauthorized use.
If you have any questions with respect to the Paintcil, Paintcil & Co, policies concerning the
handling of your personal information, or if you wish to request access to, or correction of, your personal information under
our care and control, please contact our Privacy us.
Defences: A number of defences can be raised depending on the circumstances
of each case, the can include: Automatism; Duress; Diefic Decree; Dimensia; Diminished Capacity; Drunkeness; Due Diligence;
Self-Defence; Defence of Others; Defence of Property; Entrapment; Abuse of Process; Intoxication; Mistake of Fact; Necessity;
Res Judicata; Collateral Estoppel; Reasonable Doubt; Insanity; Mental Disorder.
Property Offences: Criminal
Trespass; Theft; Larceny; Nuisances; Trespass at Night; Malicious mischief; Reckless Burning; Arson; Criminal Conversion;
fraud; embezzlement; and B&E.
Offences Against People: Assault:
1st – 4th degree; Battery; Domestic Violence; Aggravated Assault; Assault Causing Bodily Harm;
Procuring; Sexual Assault; Sexual Exploitation; Indecent Acts; Reckless Endangerment; Harassment; Stalking; Uttering Threats; Robbery; Kidnapping; Rape; Statutory Rape; Hostage Taking; Imprisonment; Abduction;
Weapons; Criminal Libel Criminal Defamation; Solicitation; Peace Bond; Obstructing;
Resisting Arrest; Invasion of Privacy; and Wiretap.
Drug & Alcohol: Evaluations
–drug or chemical dependency; Minor in Possession (MIP); Marijuana Possession; PPT; Sale or Promotion of Drug Paraphernalia;
and Trafficking; Seized Monies; Proceeds of Crimes.
Homicide: Manslaughter, Murder 1-2; Infantcide and Felony Murder.